回复 :The eccentric professor Collins lives completely secluded in his chaotic apartment. When the model Penny moves in next to him, he becomes fascinated of her. He drills holes in her walls and ceiling and peeps on her day and night. He loses himself in daydreams and delusions.
回复 :路易斯·布鲁克斯饰演的年轻女子总是接连遭遇不幸……父亲是个喜新厌旧的主,他的药剂师徒弟也自然沾花惹草,泰米莲在导演的安排下就成了一个精灵,忽而堕落,忽而高尚,她因为未婚先孕而被家族送入少女教养院管束,他们家族的朋友,一个纨绔子弟将她救出却无力承担她的生活,于是,下等酒吧的命运就必然无法避免,直到父亲死去她赢回了父亲的遗产,然她却将这些送给了曾经恶意于她,已经两个孩子的后母,自己也成为了一个戴着道德光环的楷模。
回复 :An uplifting and heartwarming story about finding the magic of Christmas, no matter where you might be, This Is Christmas follows Adam (Alfred Enoch) and Emma (Kaya Scodelario) as they make their daily commute from the picture-perfect village of Langton to London for work. Every day they share their journey with the same characters, but they all keep themselves to themselves. But then one day, in the build-up to Christmas, Adam breaks the unwritten rule of travel and starts talking to the strangers on the train, inviting the whole carriage to hold their own Christmas party.