回复 :In the Season 15 premiere of HELL'S KITCHEN, Chef Gordon Ramsay welcomes the newest bunch of contestants into the kitchen. The steaks are high when the contestants travel to Las Vegas and see the kitchen where this season's winner will work as a Head Chef: BLT Steak at Bally's Las Vegas. And, for the first time in HELL'S KITCHEN history, they will compete in that kitchen for the signature dish team challenge. The winning team will earn a ride on the High Roller - the world's tallest Ferris wheel - and get VIP service at Drai's Nightclub, while the losing team prepares a Vegas buffet service, which includes peeling 50 lbs. of shrimp and 1,000 lbs. of potatoes. Later, during their first dinner service, one of the teams will fail early on in the service, prompting Chef Ramsay to kick them out of the kitchen. Find out which contestants will be safe from elimination and whose luck will run out.
回复 :CLAMP的人氣漫畫《TSUBASA 翼•年代記》繼推出TV版、劇場版動畫之後,確定將發售全3卷描寫《東京 砂之國篇》的OVA動畫。OVA將以《TSUBASA-RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- TOKYO REVELATIONS》為名,採非賣品方式作為漫畫單行本第21~23卷的初回限定版贈品,全三卷分別命名為《魔術師の伝言》、《少年の右目》、《姫君の視た夢》。此外,該OVA將由CLAMP的大川緋芭親自撰寫腳本,並由曾製作劇場版的Production I.G繼續擔綱,監督多田俊介,人設菊地洋子,CAST不變。
回复 : 潮起东方中国龙,大年二十八山东春晚和你一起迎新年,准时营业,不见不散~