回复 :A year after her murder, the police re-open the case of Yvonne Harrison when they receive an anonymous letter implicating a burglar, Harry Repp, who is about to be released from prison. Supt. Strange assigns the case to DS Lewis, who is chafing at the bit awaiting his promotion to Inspector. Morse has been ill and has only just returned to work. He steps on Lewis' toes by involving himself in the case, but as the body count rises, Morse finds himself in charge of investigating a woman who had many affairs with many different men. When he learns that the dead men were in possession of large amount of cash, he suspects they were blackmailing her murderer.
回复 :该剧讲述了萧清、书澈、缪莹、宁鸣、成然和绿卡等人因为家庭、理想、爱情等种种原因相聚美国,成为藤校精英后,从象牙塔走向社会,一步步完成蜕变的故事。书澈、萧清、缪盈、宁鸣,因为家庭、求知、追爱等种种原因,相聚美国,成为了海外留学生中的藤校精英。书澈和缪盈本是情侣,没想到两人父亲有无法见光的利益往来,为求避嫌而强迫二人分道扬镳。萧清在几人中是个另类,她深为清廉的父亲自豪,并坚持只享受自身的劳动成果。面对身边所有人的质疑,以及母亲车祸带来的生活压力,毫不退缩。她的品格终于赢得了周围人的尊重,以及与书澈爱情。书、成两人父亲的犯罪行为最终败露,而萧清却阴错阳差的成了公诉方的关键证人。在爱情和正义之间,萧清艰难做出了正确的选择。在萧清的如山铁证下,书望和成伟终于为他们的违法犯罪行为付出了惨重的代价。经历洗礼的几个年轻人,都收获了成长,对人生、对价值的理解回归了正确的轨道。
回复 :该剧是讲述超级巨星棒球选手金济赫一夜之间变成阶下囚,以及监狱里的人们的生活的黑色喜剧,该剧内容以监狱为背景,通过犯人、监狱管教、家属等角色展现各自的独特个性和存在感,展现给大家监狱这个特殊背景下并不沉重的故事。