电影《揭露》讲述新手律师政民(姜敏赫 饰)负责为杀害丈夫的被告人允儿(刘多仁 饰)辩护,南国努力查明被卑鄙的检察官、南国神秘的法官、被谜团包围的被告人等各种阴谋交织在一起的事件真相,但在最后一次审判中,政民认为揭露了所有令人震惊的事情,却发现真相隐藏在他不知道的地方。
电影《揭露》讲述新手律师政民(姜敏赫 饰)负责为杀害丈夫的被告人允儿(刘多仁 饰)辩护,南国努力查明被卑鄙的检察官、南国神秘的法官、被谜团包围的被告人等各种阴谋交织在一起的事件真相,但在最后一次审判中,政民认为揭露了所有令人震惊的事情,却发现真相隐藏在他不知道的地方。
回复 :博士研究出将人缩小的设备以满足自己喜欢人偶的“爱好”,一群被缩小的人偶展开自救。
回复 :影片聚焦中国维和警察鲜为人知的生死时刻!应联合国请求、受国家派遣,余卫东(黄景瑜 饰)、杨震(王一博 饰)、丁慧(钟楚曦 饰)等维和警察肩负神圣使命,远赴异国他乡,深入战火纷飞的任务区执行维和任务。他们将要直面恐怖袭击、武装暴动、黑帮横行等种种险境,维和行动刻不容缓……
回复 :Foodborne pathogens kill around 3,000 people in the U.S. every year and hospitalize hundreds of thousands more. Romaine lettuce, cantaloupe, sprouts . . . all have been at the center of outbreaks which have become alarmingly frequent in recent years. Their solutions are simple, but protections are scattershot, with little bureaucratic will to enforce them. And yet, our politicians keep saying that “the U.S. food supply is the safest in the world.Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food is a documentary that holds the public and private influences behind these decisions to account, beginning with the Jack In the Box E. Coli outbreak of 1992-1993 and continuing to the present day. Director Stephanie Soechtig provides tips on what to avoid at the supermarket, demystifies the tangle of regulations that govern what we eat, and tells the stories of families who have lost loved ones to foodborne illness. This is a film that will make you think about what’s on your plate and how it got there in eye-opening new ways.