大恶Follows a woman desperate to escape her town, she meets a stranger who promises a romantic escape, but it results in deceit, mistrust, and violence.
大恶Follows a woman desperate to escape her town, she meets a stranger who promises a romantic escape, but it results in deceit, mistrust, and violence.
回复 :Laura是个单身的新闻工作者,住在墨西哥城市里的小单位。经过长期的放肆玩闹,他遇见了Arturo。於是他们开始在床上寻找激烈的,热情的性浪漫,并夹杂了各种压力,痛苦和爱。Laura lives deep in the melancholy of her troubled past in Oaxaca. Her solitary days pass until she decides to end it all. Laura meets Arturo who that will help her finish off the pain of her existence.
回复 :In 1830, forty years to the day since the last manifestation of their dreaded vampirism, the Karnstein heirs use the blood of an innocent to bring forth the evil that is the beautiful Mircalla - or as she was in 1710, Carmilla.@www.molikan.com
回复 :When the driver manages to crash the car on the road in the middle of nowhere the four-man-passenger-team (well, 1 girl and 3 guys, actually) have no other choice than to walk through the dark woods to the nearest hostel. Combine this scenario with zombies, a hockey-mask wearing giant and an annoying doll who demands popcorn, and you'll have H3 Halloween Horror Hostel.