回复 :大卫的摇滚明星哥哥死于服药过量,这件事给了大卫非常大的打击,使他从此变得意志消ccc。大卫的父母无奈之下,将其送去了青少年行为管制所,希望他能有所转变。然而那里就像是一个人间地狱,虐待成性的长官与随从让大卫非常不适应。直到有一天,大卫遇见了乔纳森——几年前死于管制所的同屋人,事情终于开始有所转变……
回复 :Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad: “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town, where he meets Josef, his cinematic subject for the day. Josef is sincere and the project seems heartfelt, so Aaron begins to film. But as the day goes on, it becomes clear that Josef is not who he says, and his intentions are not at all pure.
回复 :守灵也称为守夜。古人认为人死后守灵三天内三魂未离,七魄不散。原本善良的司胜木染上赌博恶习,常年不归,只知向母亲要钱,念子成疾的母亲临死也没能见到司胜木。得知母亲临死前在家里地下藏有宝藏后,司胜木回家为母守灵。 守灵之夜,司胜木不忘寻找宝藏,深夜,恐怖事件频发……