回复 :曾是“O记”杰出探员的庄士敦(刘德华 饰),四年前因某起案件双目失明,而今眼前一片漆黑的他仍乐此不疲捡起沉疴多年且悬而未决的无头之案调查,在给受害者讨回公道的同时赢得丰厚的悬红报酬。他判案手法独特,擅长在头脑中原原本本还原当事人所处的场景和持有的心情来追查线索。在追查“通渠水伤人事件”疑犯的过程中,庄偶然结识当年“O记”好哥们司徒法宝(郭涛 饰)的下属何家彤(郑秀文 饰)。何虽然办案经验不足,但身手了得,关键时刻救下了正处在危急关头的庄。她对这位名震一时的“破案之神”佩服得五体投地,因此请求庄Sir接手帮忙调查许多年前失踪的好友小敏的下落。看在百万赏金的份上,庄点头应允。在短短十天内,庄Sir和何家彤同时周旋在几宗案件之间,每起案件的真相交替浮出水面,而他们彼此的心也在生死考验的过程中渐渐拉近……
回复 :A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend's house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the return of the terrifying masked stalker, Damon.
回复 :HOUSE OF Z chronicles the meteoric rise of fashion designer Zac Posen at the age of 21, his brand's falling out of favor several years later and his challenge to rebuild his company and his reputation. It is both a portrait of an artist, and a look behind the glamorous curtain of one of the most distinguished brands in the world, revealing the tenuous dance between art and commerce that informs every move.