日韩Documentary series about hate crime in the US told through murders with elements of love and passion as well as prejudice. Each film tells the story of one unfolding case.
日韩Documentary series about hate crime in the US told through murders with elements of love and passion as well as prejudice. Each film tells the story of one unfolding case.
回复 :电视动画《十二大战》改编自西尾维新原作、中村光插画的同名轻小说,于2017年3月宣布了TV动画化的消息。充满荣耀的十二战士的,血战记录——十二年一度开办的第十二回十二大战。拥有干支之名的十二名刚猛战士,赌上各自的性命与灵魂交战。参加者是“子”“丑”“寅”“卯”“辰”“巳”“午”“未”“申”“酉”“戌”“亥”十二名异样的战士。在此战中胜利者,能够实现任何一个愿望。无论如何都想要实现的唯一一个愿望——活到最后的是谁?在谋略与杀戮席卷的战场上,落下的是谁的眼泪?惊心动魄的混合大战,开战。
回复 :Sizzling hot young Brazilians meet at a dreamy beach resort. But for a shot at R$500,000 in this fun reality show, they'll have to give up sex.by:www.2kyb.com
回复 :为了成为独当一面的偶像,而进入étoile vie School的I★CHU们。但他们刚刚入学,就因为熊校长的一句话,而从起点开始就前途多难…!?朝向各自的目标努力的I★CHU们,通过偶像活动逐渐开始思考。偶像究竟是什么…?为了寻找答案而奋斗的I★CHU们,将他们那闪耀的瞬间截取下来的青春故事现在开始——!