回复 :四川卫视花开天下新年演唱会坚持以弘扬优秀中华传统文化,本季将目光对准了本土最神秘、最出圈、最具想象空间的文化IP“三星堆”。以“凝望”“惊梦”“回响”三个篇章主题串联整场演唱会。缥缈的古蜀历史、奇特的文物造型、待解的千古之谜,音乐与视觉形成有机交互和延展,闪耀中华文明的耀眼之光。
回复 :The night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths and awe for as long as there have been people. A desire to comprehend the Universe may well be humanity's oldest shared intellectual experience. Yet only recently have we truly begun to grasp our place in the vast cosmos. To learn about this journey of celestial discovery, from the theories of the ancient Greek astronomers to today's grandest telescopes, we invite you to experience From Earth to the Universe. This stunning, 30-minute voyage through space and time - the world's first free download-able full-dome planetarium movie - conveys, through sparkling sights and sounds, the Universe revealed to us by science. Viewers can revel in the splendor of the worlds in the Solar System and our scorching Sun. From Earth to the Universe takes the audience out to the colorful birthplaces and burial grounds of stars, and still further out beyond the Milky Way to the unimaginable immensity of ...
回复 :这部名为《北极熊:冰上侦探(Polar Bear: Spy On The Ice)》的纪录片将于29日在英国BBC1电视台播放。北京时间12月28日消息,野生动物纪录片拍摄人员往往需要绞尽脑汁,不断增加拍摄方法的隐秘性,才能悄悄潜入到他们想要拍摄的动物世界里,窥探它们的一举一动,但是不要认为这些动物都很愚笨,下面的图片就是很好的证明。获奖导演约翰·唐纳最近把他的遥控间谍相机装扮成一个大雪球,用来追踪一只北极熊母亲带着它的小幼仔穿过挪威斯瓦尔巴特群岛的海冰,寻找海豹的过程。但没想到的是,这种伪装并没能骗过附近的一只成年雄性北极熊的眼睛。它快速追上移动照相机,用大而有力的爪子对眼前的“雪球”进行一番摸索,让唐纳和他的制片人拍了一些特写后,很快把相机砸得粉碎。但它并没就此罢休,它想都没想,又开始追赶唐纳的另一个价值10万英镑(15.45万美元)的暴风雪相机。这个相机上带有轮子,可以遥控操作,尽管吃了一惊的纪录片拍摄者设法遥控这个昂贵的设备逃跑,但是被激怒的北极熊一直穷追不舍,最后这只体重超过半吨的北极熊把第二个相机也砸得粉碎。不过幸运的是,唐纳还有另一个相机,它记录了摄影设备遭袭的整个过程。北极熊毁掉两个相机后,慢慢变得平静下来。唐纳说:“好奇心得到满足后,这些动物开始表现正常起来。最终我们的间谍相机显示,北极熊的‘智慧和好奇心’是它们在海冰不断缩小的情况下继续幸存下来的关键。”