回复 :Mysteries of China captures one of the great archaeological events of the modern age, telling the story of Ancient China, the First Emperor, and the literal foundation of the China we know today. Through the lens of this groundbreaking discovery, viewers explore an ancient time when a fierce warrior brought together a warring nation and how an accidental discovery changed everything we know about China's past.The discovery of the Terracotta Warriors and the Tomb of the First Emperor offers a unique time capsule into the past, revealing many things about this great country, which tells a larger story about the growth of China into a true superpower. From modern China to ancient China and back again, Mysteries of China is a visual adventure, using beautiful aerial photography and cutting-edge time lapse techniques to reveal great majesty, tragedy, splendor, and growth in a nation that continues to excel quickly into the future.
回复 :初中三年一直在一起的四个人,进入高中之后彼此之间都有了距离。影片讲述了初三那年同学间的打打闹闹、师生间的友爱冲突、教室里的一本正经、体操场上的朝气蓬勃,勾勒出初中回忆的画面。
回复 :《气球》故事发生在藏地,讲述灵魂与现实的紧张关系。主人公达杰一家因一只普通的避孕套卷入了一系列尴尬而又难以抉择的事件当中,他们原本宁静的日常生活被彻底打破,生老病死如日月流转,当灵魂遭遇现实的挑战,该如何抉择?