派饭Minjae is a highschool teacher during the day, but at dusk, he goes out on the streets and join with youth who are alienated from school and home. Due to an incident, Minjae is put to the test again to protect his students ─ Jigeun and classmates.
派饭Minjae is a highschool teacher during the day, but at dusk, he goes out on the streets and join with youth who are alienated from school and home. Due to an incident, Minjae is put to the test again to protect his students ─ Jigeun and classmates.
回复 :平凡少女花诗棋转来新学校,刚上课就因为手机铃声吸引了男神欧少森。花诗棋的手机铃声,让他想起了自己去世的母亲,从而对花诗棋产生亲切感。在课间课上欧少森总是有意无意的帮助花诗棋,使花诗棋对其心生好感。与家里矛盾日渐升温的欧少森,一气之下离家出走,恰巧来到花诗棋家的奶茶店,花妈妈发现欧少森是自己女儿的同学便热情的招待了他;欧少森向花妈妈提出兼职打工的意向,高甜强势突围,狗粮暴击预警就此开始。欧少森不仅工作非常努力,在学习上也经常帮助花诗棋;本以为能长此以往,但欧少森的父亲身体突然抱恙,欧少森只能离开陪父亲去欧洲看病。多年后大学毕业的花诗棋去国内最大的公司面试,两人在办公室再次相遇。
回复 :The journey of a father, Heves Ali, who had never met his son ,Yusuf, in 25 years is told.
回复 :过着无精打采日子的平凡大学生的私,一边被在“捉迷藏社团”中遇到的冷酷且聪明的前辈所吸引,一边与瞬间掌握人心的神秘男子黑服实现命运般的相遇。无聊的日子一变,被卷入了名为“真夜中乙女战争”的东京破坏计画中……