春暖When a woman is attacked in her short term rental, the company's Clean-Up Team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. But she soon finds that they might not be who they say they are.
春暖When a woman is attacked in her short term rental, the company's Clean-Up Team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. But she soon finds that they might not be who they say they are.
回复 :麦琪和一帮朋友搞了个“Horror Show”(恐怖电影观赏会),布置影院的时候找到一盘年份已久的拷贝盘,于是他们观看了这部电影....在“Horror Show”放映的那一晚,影院发生了很多古怪的事,麦琪的朋友一个个遇难,到底是什么人要夺她性命?
回复 : 黄嘉伟曾是一个名导演,自拍了「蚀死老细」的电影后,一直没工开。就在绝路的时候,遇见老朋友波哥,喜伟建议波哥投资开拍电影,波哥大感兴趣,不过却要拍一部有「卡士」的三级片。嘉伟想出骗大明星陈文乐及Sa Sa 拍一部文艺片,暗里以脱April 及KK当替身拍摄床上戏,配合剪接改成三级片。过程十分顺利,但突然波哥表示要与April 「过夜」,否则不会继续投资……
回复 :老牌摇滚乐队Foo Fighters进驻位于洛杉矶恩西诺的一间有着浓郁摇滚历史的豪宅,录制自己的第十张专辑,然而在录制过程中,主唱Dave Grohl发现豪宅中有一股超自然力量正在威胁专辑乃至整支乐队的命运。