回复 :It’s summer and a group of young women head off for a week to a house in the country in order to rehearse a play. In the peace and quiet of their natural surroundings, which provide a refuge from the intense heat of the sun, the women go through the text and dress up in their ruched period costumes, while in easy conversation they share their secrets, and also have little adventures. This enchanting debut by Itsaso Arana, who co-wrote and starred in August Virgin (Official Selection – Competition, KVIFF 2019), provides an opportunity to stop for a moment, to breathe in the warm air and settle back in the open embrace of this company of women. After all, what kind of summer would it be without girls, a campfire, songs and a touch of magic?源自:https://www.kviff.com/en/programme/film/63/40722-the-girls-are-alright
回复 :1931年9月18日,野心勃勃的日本帝国主义悍然发动了“九•一八”事变,大胆将贪婪的爪牙伸向中国的东北。然而蒋介石为首的国民政府却下令东北军放弃抵抗,全面撤出东北。虽有无数热血男儿志愿报效祖国,无奈军令如山,只得眼望着日寇长驱直入,如入无人之境,心中满是酸楚的血泪。军队的不作为,并不代表中国人民的软弱,反而最底层的百姓有着最为强烈的反抗意识。家住朝阳县清风岭的赵老嘎(李幼斌 饰)便是这样一根不屈不挠的硬骨头,他联合村民组成抗日队伍,发誓保卫这片祖祖辈辈生存于斯的故土。他们不仅要面对鬼子一次又一次的扫荡,还要共同体味着世间冷暖与人情变化……
回复 :本剧以民间传说为蓝本,以小说原著作基础,描述了《水浒》作者施耐庵富有传奇色彩的一生。元朝末年,朝廷腐败,民不聊生。施耐庵继承父愿寻找红布军,在营救红布军女旗首宋碧云的历险中得到她的敬仰爱慕,毅然把祖传的记载梁山好汉后代下落的梁山大密托付给施耐庵。于是围绕施耐庵的行踪和梁山大密,在朝廷内外,各路义军之间和内部,展开了一场场大搏斗。围绕这一场斗争,施耐庵、宋碧云与梁山后代演绎出一幕幕聚合离散、恩怨情仇的人生活剧……本剧反映了施耐庵与义军首领朱元璋等人的纠葛、冲突,以及梁山后代的生死搏斗。