回复 :Rebecca Miller’s film is a portrait of her father, his times and insights, built around impromptu interviews shot over many years in the family home. This celebration of the great American playwright is quite different from what the public has ever seen. It is a close consideration of a singular life shadowed by the tragedies of the Red Scare and the death of Marilyn Monroe; a bracing look at success and failure in the public eye; an honest accounting of human frailty; a tribute to one artist by another. Arthur Miller: Writer invites you to see how one of America’s sharpest social commentators formed his ideologies, how his life reflected his work, and, even in some small part, shaped the culture of our country in the twentieth century. An HBO Documentary Film.
回复 :去年开始中国新实施环境审判制度,首次允许民间NGO提诉企业。环境诉讼方兴未艾,环保NGO纷纷状告污染企业,但因官商关系密切等原因,使得提诉举步维艰。本片跟踪采访环保NGO ,描写市民与大企业展开的激烈攻防. 本片由K大译制。
回复 :金马57创投WIP单元入围作品