回复 :苏颜(黄姵嘉 饰)是一个看似活泼开朗,但其实内心有些自卑的女生,因不愿敞开心扉,曾经和家人、朋友发生了很多误会与矛盾,在男友陆瑾瑜(陈玺安 饰)的关爱和照顾下,在结婚前夕她决定以邮件的方式向亲朋好友吐露心声,揭开所有隐藏的真相,这封密码信也开启了他们对曾经那段青春往事的回忆,然而一场车祸却在此时不期而至……
回复 :在伊斯坦布尔一家历史悠久的酒店中,一名记者穿越到过去,她必须阻止一场可能会改变现代土耳其命运的阴谋。
回复 :Bullying snob Alistair Kingslake is killed with a golf iron at the Whiteacres golf club. After another member, Miles Tully, tells Barnaby about illegal gambling among players, another member, who has had an 'odd phone call' is also slain. A figure in a blue tracksuit is seen at both murders. In fact there have been unreported assaults on members over the months. Barnaby discovers that the gambling is rife and the social-climbing steward , Mrs. Fountain, and her two warring sons are lending money to the gamblers and assaulting them if they fail to pay. Indeed Mrs. Fountain's scheming has driven the killer to commit the Dogleg Murders.