女同A CIA agent who, while on assignment in Russia shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union, is captured by KGB forces and placed in a mental hospital. Eleven years later, Carville is given a chance to earn his freedom.
女同A CIA agent who, while on assignment in Russia shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union, is captured by KGB forces and placed in a mental hospital. Eleven years later, Carville is given a chance to earn his freedom.
回复 :在大学教授法文的亨博特(James Mason 詹姆斯•梅森 饰)少年时期曾有一段刻骨铭心的经历,当年的初恋情人不幸夭亡,令他此去经年依旧对那些充满青春气息的少女有着别样情感。因工作之需,亨博特寻找住房,因此结识了寡妇夏洛特(Shelley Winters谢利•温特斯 饰)及其妖精一般的女儿洛丽塔(Sue Lyon 休•莱昂 饰)。夏洛特迷上了这位儒雅庄重的大学教师,一心与之交往;而亨博特却迷恋上了青春逼人的洛丽塔,为了和这个精灵长相厮守,甚至违心与夏洛特结婚。他将对洛丽塔的情感全部写进日记,锁入抽屉。直到某天夏洛特打开了潘多拉宝盒,他们的命运从此改变……本片根据作家纳博科夫同名小说改编。©豆瓣
回复 :22歲性感美艷新婚人妻,丈夫卻不幸罹癌身亡,保險公司藉口投保時間和罹癌發病身亡的時間相隔太近,拒絕保險理賠,黑道債主登門討債,保險公司經理藉口接近誘人的22歲人妻,表示人妻只要願意犧牲純潔心靈和誘人的胴體,還是有機會拿到保險金,而搬回家中的公公也透露出邪惡的眼光,22歲寡婦是否該為剛剛死去的丈夫堅守貞節,不讓任何邪惡進入到誘惑濕潤的身體內部..
回复 :A mysterious stranger travels to a remote village where, 15 years earlier, his wife and daughter were kidnapped.