回复 :A failed, recluse director, Max, moves from New York City to a small seaside town after his wife's death. He struggles with his parental role over his son. Eddie, meanwhile, is becoming increasingly involved in the not-so-underground culture of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gang violence that lies there.The chasm between them seems to be growing despite Max's best efforts. Max jogs in the mornings and routinely passes a psychic. She spontaenously predicts that one night a serial killer will attack Eddie on the beach.Eddie is sampling various drugs with his friend, Smiley, and having unprotected sex. He ignores the advice of his father as a rule and seems beyond hope of redemption in the eyes of mainstream society. He shows potential for betterment when he prevents the murder of a rival gang member. Max saves Eddie from the serial killer.
回复 :平克正在逃亡。夜里,空旷的街道上弥漫着末日的气息,整个城市似乎都在燃烧。麻醉剂在静脉和空气中打旋。他已经从某个“教士”领导的教派控制中解脱出来,决心掌握自己的命运,现在藏身于一家非法T恤工厂。平克寻找着末路之光,但鬼魂始终在他的周围游荡。这部实验性作品以哥伦比亚麦德林为背景,描绘了一个逃离危险邪教的年轻人的故事。
回复 :劳瑞尔(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)是一位办案经验非常丰富的警探,在岗位上23年,劳瑞尔的办案能力从来都没有输给过任何的一个男同事。然而她有一个秘密,那就是她是一名同性恋者,为了保护自己在警局里的地位,她必须对这个秘密严防死守。某日,劳瑞尔在一场活动中邂逅了名叫黛西(埃利奥特·佩吉 Elliot Page 饰)的女子,黛西是一名汽车修理工,虽然他们两人无论是身份还是年龄都悬殊巨大,但恋人还是彼此吸引最终走到了一起。不幸的是,劳瑞尔发现自己患上了癌症,命不久矣,她打算把自己的养老金转到黛西的名下,以保证她在自己去世之后依然能够拥有她的房子,但劳瑞尔的申请很快就遭到了拒绝。