Police officer Jane Rydert's life goes into a tailspin the day her older sister, Cassidy, shows up at her door after sixteen years of confinement in a psychiatric hospital.
Police officer Jane Rydert's life goes into a tailspin the day her older sister, Cassidy, shows up at her door after sixteen years of confinement in a psychiatric hospital.
回复 :海湾战争终于结束了。三个好兄弟阿奇(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)、特洛伊(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)和埃尔金(艾斯·库珀 Ice Cube 饰)准备在退役前结结实实捞上一笔,那样他们退役后就能舒舒服服地享受人生了。可不要以为他们 在异想天开,其实他们早就在伊拉克听到坊间传闻:总统萨达姆暗中收藏了一批从科威特偷来的黄金在他的秘密碉堡内。恰巧兄弟三人从伊拉克的一名战俘的屁眼处发现了一张萨达姆秘密碉堡的地图,于是三人经过准备,往夺宝之路进发……
回复 :故事发生在90年代的小城市。云荞(马思纯饰)想要“活成一部电影”;李麦(钟楚曦饰)有看得见希望的未来;吴风(黄景瑜)也要在平凡的日子里背水一战。每个人都有着对未来的憧憬,带着憧憬开始了异乡漂泊之路,可是未来真的会如他们所愿吗?
回复 :Festivities take a back seat as DI Parker investigates the murder of a podcaster. She had been probing the disappearance of a child and claimed to have found new evidence. The missing child has haunted Commissioner Patterson for years.