中文字幕After becoming the prime suspect in multiple murders, Fletch strives to prove his innocence while simultaneously searching for his fiancé's stolen art collection.
中文字幕After becoming the prime suspect in multiple murders, Fletch strives to prove his innocence while simultaneously searching for his fiancé's stolen art collection.
回复 :Instead of chasing boys on the beach with her friends, recent college grad Dora finds herself caring for her reclusive Great Aunt in snowy upstate New York. When the imaginative girl discovers her aunt's hidden romantic past, Dora dreams that their revelation will pull Aunt Vera and herself from their mutual depressions.
回复 : 根据余华同名小说改编。富少福贵(葛优)嗜赌成性,妻子家珍(巩俐)屡劝无果后带着女儿凤霞离开了他,当夜,福贵输光所有家产气死父亲,被迫靠变卖母亲首饰租间破屋过活。一年后,家珍手拉凤霞怀抱刚出世的儿子有庆回到家中,福贵痛改前非,开始靠演皮影戏过起安份守己的日子。但好景不常,内战时期,福贵被国民党抓去当劳工,一番辗转终回到家乡与一家人团圆后,凤霞因病变成哑巴,而在后来的大跃进运动和文化大革命中,他虽获某些小福,逆境却也一直与他如影相随。
回复 :影片讲述一个“富二代”Conrad Valmont的故事,他一直生活在父母在曼哈顿区的豪宅里,终日浑浑噩噩,生活没有目标,但是在一周的时间内他的生活却发生了翻天覆地的变化,房子被收回、继承权被剥夺,但是如落水狗一般的Conrad Valmont却开始了新的生活,也找到了自己的真爱。