毕业David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.
毕业David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.
回复 :The relationship of a well-known journalist and a down-to-earth teacher goes through hard times when she takes a new job.
回复 :演员托马斯·曼Ins上po图,曝光新片[追随者](Them That Follow,暂译)海报,该片将于明年圣丹斯电影节首映。导演布里特·博尔顿、丹·麦迪森·萨维吉,故事讲述美国阿巴拉契亚山脉地区的人们利用毒蛇死亡交易来证明自己信仰的忠诚,一个小女孩手握的秘密将令一切分崩离析。
回复 : 《少年*小赵》是一部关于90后年轻人——小赵的纪录片。影片跟随19岁的小赵——一个曾经在山西平遥古城街头摇旗呐喊“中国加油,中国万岁”的年轻人,一路从他生长的平遥来到他读书的四川成都、支教的凉山州彝族自治区等地区,记录了他从高中到大学二年级这四年间感情以及思想的变化,也借由小赵的视角见证与呈现了当下中国社会正在经历的焦灼与躁动。