回复 :What could be more natural than romance, finding the perfect partner and falling in love? In fact every ingredient in this scenario, so beloved of romantics everywhere, had to be invented. In this three-part series Lucy Worsley will delve into the history of romance to uncover the forces shaping our very British happily ever after. The series will reveal how even our most intimate thoughts and feelings have been affected by social, political and cultural ideas.
回复 :根据同名小说《松林异境》改编的悬疑惊悚剧,故事描述特工处探员Ethan Burke来到乡村小镇Wayward Pines寻找两名神秘失踪的联邦探员。他没有得到想要的答案,反而遇到了更多的问题。这个地方就像有某种魔力一般,Ethan距离真相越近,就越丧失自我——就连他的性格都变了。他不得不面对可怕的现实:他可能永远无法活着离开这地方。
回复 :潺潺河流靜靜流過維多利亞時期的倫敦,暗湧的河水攜帶著一個激情的犯罪故事..... 在泰晤士河岸旁,貧窮但能幹的莉西,幫助他的父親從事骯髒的營生。但父女兩發现,下一具屍體將領著他們前往一個原本遙不可及的世界,這是個虛浮,表面的世界,父女倆參加了誇飾,眼界甚高的威佛斯家族所舉辦的餐宴。透過與他們所交錯日趨龐雜的人物,狄更斯寫下了這個愛情與金錢相交織的複雜故事.....