回复 :Two women spend a weekend together at the North Sea. Walks on the beach, fish buns at a snack stand, mobile weather forecasts. Sky, horizon, water. One of them will soon return to her family in Argentina while the other one will try to come a step closer to the ocean. She travels to the Caribbean and the foreign makes her vulnerable. Then, the land is out of sight. On a sailing vessel she crosses the Atlantic Ocean. One wave follows the other, they never resemble. Thoughts go astray, time leaves the beaten track and the swell lulls to deep sleep. The sea takes over the narration. And when the other one reappears in it, the wind is still in her hair while the ground beneath her feet is solid. She returns and the one of them could ask Have you changed
回复 :本片由北京潇龙影视文化有限责任公司、湖南帝马钱加亿影视有限公司出品,讲述了作为古玩商人的曹华,早已厌倦了尔虞我诈的生活,本想做完最后一笔生意,带着女朋友陈芳远走高飞,不料在这最后一单生意中被算计,导致交易失败,引来杀身之祸,然后牵扯出违法乱纪的事情,最后得到法律的严惩、内心谴责的故事。
回复 :1946年,结束了八年抗战,中华大地进入了解放战争时期。为了巩固革命根据地,我军决定对东北地区的匪帮余孽进行清剿。臭名远扬的座山雕(贺少华 饰)正是亟须清剿的重点,但是该匪狡猾残暴,他盘踞威虎山,祸害夹皮沟,引得当地民不聊生,怨声载道。加上地势险要,匪情复杂,成为我军不得不审慎对待的一个对手。针对此情况,某部团长少剑波派侦察排长杨子荣(童祥苓 饰)假扮匪徒上山送联络图,博取座山雕的信任。孤胆英雄,深入虎穴,唱响智取威虎山的好戏……本片根据曲波的小说《林海雪原》中的一段故事改编,是文革期间经典的样板戏之一。