  时间:2025-01-08 12:46:59

阿娟(蔡嘉茵 饰)本该是一个快乐的30岁女青年,亚洲可是她105公斤的体重总让她成为周遭人议论和嘲笑的对象,亚洲灰暗的生活中,只有温暖的食物才能带给阿娟一丝丝的安慰,但这显然是一种恶性循环。在生日这一天,母亲送给了阿娟一套减重课程作为礼物,人生道路上接连遭遇挫折的阿娟虽然很不情愿,但亦明白,自己不得不踏上减肥的旅途。在此过程中,阿娟邂逅了名为吴浩仁的快递员,知道了他隐藏在开朗表象之下的悲惨过去;又在误打误撞之中撞破了旁人眼中的模范男孩的女装秘密。接二连三的事件让阿娟开始明白,每个人都有着自己的深渊。




回复 :On a rainy night in 1928 in a Pennsylvania factory town called Iverstown, Martha Ivers (Janis Wilson), thirteen years old, is trying to escape from the guardianship of her wealthy, domineering aunt. Her friend, the street-smart, poor Sam Masterson (Darryl Hickman), comes for her through her bedroom window, but Martha's aunt catches them. While Sam slips out unnoticed, Martha hits Mrs. Ivers on the head, causing her to fall down the long staircase and die. Though Sam saw nothing, the event was witnessed by Walter O'Neil (Mickey Kuhn), the son of Martha's tutor (Roman Bohnen), known as Mr. O'Neil. Martha lies about the incident to Mr. O'Neil, and Walter supports her.[5]Mr. O'Neil suspects what happened but presents Martha's version of events to the police, that an intruder is responsible; he makes use of his knowledge by having her marry his son. When the police identify a former employee of the aunt as the murderer, the two O'Neils and Martha help convict him; he is punished by hanging.[5]Eighteen years later, the older O'Neil has died. Walter (now played by Kirk Douglas) is the district attorney, while Martha (Barbara Stanwyck) has used her inheritance from her aunt to build a large business empire. Their marriage is one-sided; he loves her, but she does not love him.Sam (Van Heflin), now a drifter and gambler, stops in the small town by chance to have his car repaired after an accident. While waiting for repairs, at his old home, now a boarding house, he meets Antonia "Toni" Marachek (Lizabeth Scott), who has just been released from jail. She is later picked up for violating her probation by not returning to her hometown. Sam goes to see Walter, to see if he can use his influence to get her released.Walter is convinced Sam has returned with blackmail in mind, giving Walter a motive to run Sam out of town. When Martha reacts with joy to the news of Sam's return, Walter's jealousy provides an additional motive. Walter forces Toni to set Sam up. Sam is beaten and driven out of town, but he is too tough to be intimidated. When all else fails, Walter makes a half-hearted attempt to kill Sam himself, but is easily disarmed. Martha then inadvertently blurts out the couple's fears of blackmail, which prove to be groundless: Sam says he did not witness the death. Martha breaks down and laments that he left without her all those years ago, taking with him her only chance for love and freedom.Sam is torn between his old love and his new. Although he eventually forgives Toni for betraying him, he and Martha spend an idyllic day together, rekindling his feelings for her.Walter arranges to meet Sam to finally settle matters. Before Sam arrives, Walter gets drunk and Martha finds out about the meeting. When Walter falls down the stairs and is knocked unconscious, Martha urges Sam to kill him. Sam instead brings Walter around. Martha pulls out a gun and threatens to shoot Sam in "self defense" as an intruder. However, Sam gambles that Walter will not back up her story; he turns his back on her and leaves.Walter embraces and kisses his wife; then he points the gun at her midriff. Oddly relieved, she puts her hand over his hand on the trigger and presses. As she is dying, she defiantly states her name is not Martha Ivers, but Martha Smith. Outside, Sam hears the shot. He runs back toward the mansion, but sees Walter, holding Martha's body, shoot himself. Sam and Toni drive away together.



回复 :剧情简介:考古队发现了马其顿亚历山大大帝的头盔,但头盔不久就被以“讲师”为首的一伙匪徒盗走了。警方很快抓住了匪徒,但是匪徒拒不交待头盔藏在何处。考古学家马尔采夫教授偶遇与匪徒“讲师”相貌极其相似的第83幼儿园园长特罗什金,于是警方和马尔采夫求助于特罗什金,希望他假扮成“讲师”进入牢内,以便从另2个匪徒口中套出头盔的下落,于是一场好戏就开演了......《幸运先生》被视为最好的苏联电影之一。该片的导演亚历山大·谢雷,曾在监狱服刑多年。出狱后与著名导演及编剧格奥尔基·达涅利亚(曾导《米米诺》、《秋天的马拉松》、《外星奇遇》、《我漫步在莫斯科》等影片)等人一起创作了该剧剧本。导演谢雷将自己当年在监狱中的各种生活经历放入了电影各桥段中。苏联电影中,《幸运先生》是产生名言名句最多的影片之一,粗略估算就有150多句。有趣的是,正因为影片中大量出现的监狱俚语、黑话,有关单位不敢将其搬上银幕,深怕这些语言会对青年观众造成不良影响。最后还是列昂尼德·勃列日涅夫(当时的苏共总书记)亲自拍板才使这部影片得以顺利上映,从而成就了影史上的一部经典佳作。本片的几位主演都是苏联家喻户晓的明星,尤其是饰演“讲师”的叶甫盖尼·列昂诺夫,苏联人民艺术家。他矮胖的身材,圆脸圆鼻子厚嘴巴,略带沙哑的嗓音,凭着超凡的演技给人们带去了无穷的欢乐。莫斯科电影制片厂对面建有一尊叶甫盖尼·列昂诺夫饰演“讲师”一角的纪念铜像。俄罗斯几乎没人认不出这位著名演员和铜像上电影情节中的人物。



回复 :首部以秦直道为拍摄题材的电影《大秦直道》在黄陵国家森林公园开拍。电影以发生在秦直道上的一段离奇护宝故事为载体,呼吁全社会加强对秦直道的关注和保护。



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