回复 :剧情描述了73岁的老人濑山克子某天离家出走在奇怪的照相馆拍摄了照片后,相貌突然回到了自己20岁时模样的故事。
回复 :洛奇·巴尔博亚(西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰)在第十五回合败给世界冠军拳王阿波罗·奎迪(卡尔·韦瑟斯饰),赛后,他很快花光了比赛赢得的奖金。为了养家糊口,他尝试了很多的工作,均未成功。他再三考虑,决定做回本行,重新开始他的拳击生涯。 阿波罗对于上次的失败也非常介怀,他多次给洛奇制造麻烦,逼迫他重出江湖。虽然太太反对,但洛奇仍然紧锣密鼓,开始做好比赛的准备,他的决心终于得到亲人的支持。在亲友的协助下,他苦练拳术,走上赛场,和阿波罗展开惊险搏斗。
回复 :Weaving links between New York’s auction houses and art dealers, a revered British Leonardo da Vinci expert, one opportunistic Swiss go-between, a Russian oligarch, London’s Tate Gallery, Le Musée du Louvre in Paris, and a Saudi Arabian prince, journalist Antoine Vitkine delves into the secrets of the art world, and explores the influence that one painting can have. After mysteriously appearing, a painting titled Salvator Mundi (The Savior of the World) was sold at Christie’s auction house, for a record 450 million US dollars in 2017. Attributed to Leonardo da Vinci after its discovery, what became the most expensive piece of art ever has unleashed passions, while revealing the excesses of our time. Journeying along the hidden trails of money, power, and deception lying behind this questionable masterpiece, this film asks: is this really the work of the Italian genius, or one of the greatest scams in the history of art?