The Harlem Cultural Festival和著名的伍德斯托克音乐节在同一个夏天举行,超过30万人参加,但如此盛大的音乐节却鲜有主流媒体报道。该纪录片回顾了当时的盛况
The Harlem Cultural Festival和著名的伍德斯托克音乐节在同一个夏天举行,超过30万人参加,但如此盛大的音乐节却鲜有主流媒体报道。该纪录片回顾了当时的盛况
回复 :祥(王晶 饰)天赋异品,和他的二叔(林正英 饰)、三叔(吴孟达 饰)都是茅山赌术弟子,祥和三叔丈着有点小聪明开了一间赌博公司,赌徒有什么疑难问题都可以上来请教。香港女赌神高少少(吴君如 饰)被泰国赌王乃猜与其手下女巫合谋害死,化成冤魂。高少少的冤魂不堪枉死,前来找祥替她报仇,祥抵不住她的缠绕,答应替她报仇。高少少的妹妹高豆豆(邱淑贞 饰)也因心想为姐姐报仇而结识了祥,两人心生倾慕。二叔可怜高少少惨死,也出山和祥、三叔一起挑战泰国赌王乃猜,茅山赌术和泰国巫术之战打响了。
回复 :新游轮“白鲸号”豪富云集,正举行除夕联欢会,热闹非凡。女侍应Chrisy于客人中穿梭往来,船上保安由不苟言笑的红狼负责。突然一艘快艇靠近游轮,匪徒迅速登船与早在船上乔装的汤臣里应外合。凭借先进的武器和狠毒的令人心寒的手段,匪徒们很快就取得了全船的控制权,其目的是要夺取船上偷运的生产核弹的坏元素……
回复 :Living with her father and stepmother in Naples, Anna is very unhappy as her stepmother hinders her attempts to live her own life. While her parents are away, she goes out with Carlo, but finds herself locked out when she comes home. This angers Carlo and he asks Anna to go away with him to Rome, where he plans to liquidate his business assets in order to have money for marriage. He quarrels with his partner and is implicated when his partner is found murdered. Although innocent, he is convicted and given a long sentence. Anna has a child and, finding it impossible to support her child , returns to Naples. The stepmother's conditions are that before she will agree to house the child, Anna must commit herself to a reformatory for unmarried mothers.