回复 :HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forward, with agricultural drones maximizing the yield from what land remains. Two compassionate care providers, Claudia (Coleman) and her mentor John (Craig muMs Grant), work to assist sick farmland inhabitants in ending their lives. After John dies under mysterious circumstances, a group of locals helps Claudia to uncover a deadly connection between the health of her clients and the technology they are using.
回复 :前洛杉矶高级凶案组探员Jesse Stone,被派到缅因州靠近海岸的小镇作警长,过着相对简单悠闲的生活。在犯罪率低下的天堂镇,Stone努力想靠醉酒、避开刻薄的前妻,和新的年轻女友保持安全距离,来减少生活中的烦杂。但是在当一个死尸冲到海岸和一个高中学生供认自己被不止一个,而是几个袭击者强奸后,Stone和天堂的居民被陷入混乱中。利用在大城市作侦探的经验,Stone必须在平静的小镇变为连环杀手游乐场前找出罪犯。
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