回复 :屌丝拯救游戏世界异世界正反两派在一次大规模群架中,正方首领鲁本船长被反派四大恶魔之一的影魔自爆偷袭,身受重创,灵魂寄宿于随身佩戴的刀中,力量变成灵魂碎片散落在异世界各地。失去了领袖的正方被反派打的节节败退,无数的英雄被打成碎片无法复活,剩余的英雄也朝不保夕,只有成为人类的召唤英雄才能够借助人类的力量重新复活逃过一劫。此时,现实世界中主人公谭小基无意间被卷入异世界并且成功唤醒了船长,异世界再掀风云,我们的故事也从此开始。
回复 :Walerian Borowczyk唯一的一部动画长片,原长80分钟,之后出了个几分钟的concert精简版。This is perhaps one of the funnies, yet most bizarre movies I have ever seen. I am in awe. Heavily surreal. Every scene has so much creative power and craziness you just can't avoid being fascinated by it.There's a story too of course, but I'm not sure I'd dare to try and explain it.. It was all so confusing. Well, there's Mrs. Kabal.. a funny old lady which seems to think she's something important(like the old lady in Sunset Blv. or something..) And there's butterflies, and Mr. Kabal, and a huge house.. and these strangelooking creatures.. and so much details. Its so funny. At one point Mr. Kabal tries to puncture a hole in Mrs. Kabals huge chest, and instead of it shrinking.. the whole woman grows into a giant! And then Mr. Kabal finds the hole in her stomach and comes into this huge building inside her with stairs, windows and stuff..And then Mrs. Kabal was shouting at him to do tasks in there. It was all pretty weird to follow. But there was a story going on. See this if you get the chance!
回复 :19世纪的英国,一位人称“恶之贵族”的名门少爷,为了达成自己的心愿,与恶魔结下契约,必有一位执事在其侧近。是一名集知识、教养、品位、料理、武术等技能于 一身,堪称完美全能的执事。由于少爷因商场上的诸多胁迫遭受众多贵族怨恨,执事除了照顾少爷的日常起居外,同时身兼少爷的保镖,献上与名门贵族相称的最优质招待。今天的执事也是身着漆黑的燕尾服,执行他华丽的执务。 热闹的马戏团,总为人们带来快乐与欢笑。但他们所经之处,却有许多孩子无故失踪。夏尔与黑执事塞巴斯蒂安,为了调查真相而潜入马戏团。究竟在马戏团的背后,隐藏着什么秘密?