立功Two hapless freight handlers find themselves encountering Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster and the Wolf Man.@www.molikan.com
立功Two hapless freight handlers find themselves encountering Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster and the Wolf Man.@www.molikan.com
回复 :A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill at all.
回复 :罗斯是一个可爱的小镇驾驶教练,她有超能力,也就是“天赋”,这意味着她可以和精神世界对话。在看到他们对她父亲文森特所做的事情后,罗斯对自己的能力又爱又恨,并试图忽视当地人不断的琐碎的精神需求——闹鬼的垃圾箱、拖拉机、儿童自行车、煎锅等等。然而,当她的帮助是请求莎拉,一个十几岁的父亲,马丁,是困扰他已故的唠叨妻子,她是非常诱惑…马丁似乎是个很好的人!与此同时,在城外的一座大城堡里,克里斯琴·温特,一个落魄的摇滚明星,有一个邪恶的计划,要出卖自己的灵魂来获得新的...
回复 :Laura是个单身的新闻工作者,住在墨西哥城市里的小单位。经过长期的放肆玩闹,他遇见了Arturo。於是他们开始在床上寻找激烈的,热情的性浪漫,并夹杂了各种压力,痛苦和爱。Laura lives deep in the melancholy of her troubled past in Oaxaca. Her solitary days pass until she decides to end it all. Laura meets Arturo who that will help her finish off the pain of her existence.