回复 :Alex wakes up to find herself back in 1983 where Gene Hunt is on the run after shooting her, three months previously. His unit is being run by none other than Ray! Meanwhile the rest of the unit in involved with the abduction of Dorothy, a young girl, on her way to school. To make matters worse a ransom is demanded by the kidnappers, and it's up to the team to find the culprits - fast.
回复 :传说看着这个玉佩三秒就能穿越古代?居然是真的,顺便还带着医药箱一起来了,这不就重拾旧业
回复 :一宗谋杀案,令江湖酝酿大风暴。美籍华裔戏痴张细伦(王浩信饰)回港寻找演出机会,因缘际会下被警花顾欣颐(冯盈盈饰)委以重任,要他冒充社团四联帮坐馆的遗孤。在资深卧底高彬(张振朗饰)的协助下,细伦当上坐馆。及后,细伦多次向黑道头目苏芷珊(汤怡饰)、女明星庄明丽(高海宁饰)伸出援手;夜场大家姐姚清水(蒋家旻饰)、三个沒血缘关系的妹妹亦围着细伦团团转。细伦初涉江湖,与高彬成为最佳拍档,加上金牌打手陆秋(朱敏瀚饰)拼死保护,化解多个危机,却不知道社团背后,早已有惊天大阴谋在等着他……