回复 :四年前,香港郊外,宏安将从四叔那里抢来的三尊金佛敲诈四叔一大笔钱,四叔非常气愤,要杀人灭口,将宏安等人逼入一个废仓库内,程山出手相救,打退了四叔的一伙人,但被警察包围,阿强、阿金挡住警察,宏安等人逃到大陆。四年后,阿强、阿金刑满释放,阿强与境外的黄金走私头目昆猛谈定,共同走私黄金。宏安等人来到了陕西省金都市,一切罪恶勾当就此开始。
回复 :Marine Biologist Jason and his wife Abby goes to Pola, Mindoro where he is tasked to lead the rehabilitation and preservation of a fish sanctuary. There, he meets his diving assistant Dennis and the two hit it off instantly. As they work together, Jason learns bits and pieces about Dennis and his family; and Dennis is moved with Jason's passion for his work. They also find themselves in contradicting problems when Dennis got his girlfriend Tanya pregnant, while Jason and Abby have been struggling to have a baby for years, but to no avail because of Abby's illness. As days go by, Jason and Dennis develop romantic feelings for each other, eventually giving in to their sexual desires. But their affair takes an unprecedented turn when Abby finds out about Jason and Dennis' affair and catches them in the act. Abby's shock from her discovery made her illness worse, resulting in her hospitalization. Jason now has to choose between Abby and Dennis, and someone will be left brokenhearted.
回复 :大学时代同寝室的四个铁哥们毕业在即。一次突发的事件让这四个毫无背景却心怀大志的草根青年为了在“北京”这块充满机遇的土地上实现各自的人生梦想,决定“抱团取暖”合租一套房子。没想到至此麻烦不断。几人在艰难的找房过程中受到启发,决定自己创业,准备以“互联网+”的思维和全新的商业模式为同样受到租房困扰的北漂们服务。几个好朋友相互理解、相互配合,几经周折,在经历了种种磨难后,面对利益与责任、财富与梦想、亲情与诱惑、爱情与背叛,终于突破了自我,创造出一条通往梦想之路。