回复 :1948年的某江南水乡,壮年男子都被征去当兵,剩下的都是有残疾的男人及老弱妇孺。车夫丁大山在破庙的离奇死亡打破了这个水乡的平静,从现在遗留的六寸半鞋印及一只绣花鞋来看,疑凶的焦点落在了以刺绣闻名的苏二(林心如 饰)身上。案件被认为是通奸谋杀,传统守旧的乡绅带领乡民疯狂地将苏二处以“浸 猪笼”极刑,遗下苏二一双未成年的儿女绝望无助。可是自此之后,水乡接二连三发生命案,先是编猪笼的程南(景冈山 饰)之妻被竹片穿心而死,接着又有乡绅离奇死亡,更有甚者看见苏二在夜晚的水乡飘然出现,到底背后的真相是什么……?
回复 :
回复 :From members of Winnipeg’s infamous Astron-6 collective comes a loving homage and absurdist send-up of the Italian giallo genre. Rey Ciso was once the greatest editor the world had ever seen — but since a horrific accident left him with four wooden fingers on his right hand, he’s had to resort to cutting pulp films and trash pictures. When the lead actors from the film he’s been editing turn up murdered at the studio, Rey is fingered as the number one suspect. The bodies continue to pile up as Rey struggles to prove his innocence and uncover the sinister truth lurking behind the scenes. (Tiff 2014)