回复 :传奇卧底爆seed归来,发现世界天翻地覆。昔日如师如友的搭档卓凯疑似变节,空降上司韦作荣作风强硬。敌友难分,关系错综,一场关乎每个人安危的对决,正愈演愈烈!
回复 :Episode 1: High CastleA university professor who had been working as a translator at the Nuremberg trials is stabbed to death. As Foyle investigates, he delves into the world of international oil politics and corrupt Nazi businessmen. Sam assists the murder inquiry by going undercover, despite her pregnancy.Episode 2: TrespassAs Britain debates the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman is assaulted. The flames of anti-Semitism have recently been fanned in London by Charles Lucas, a right-wing writer, and Foyle suspects the attack was racially motivated.Episode 3: EliseAfter an attempt on Hilda Pierce's life, Foyle scrutinizes her work for SOE during the war. Could this be related to the deaths of nine SOE agents in France and rumors of a traitor called Plato?
回复 :《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚2》由“科场奇案”、“书魂”、“元宝迷踪”、“都院内外”和“情债风流”五个单元故事组成。本剧集中纪晓岚(张国立饰)与和珅(王刚饰)之间的对抗愈演愈烈。“科场奇案”中和珅虚以招贤纳士为名,实则聚敛钱财,纪晓岚怒揭科场弊病。“书魂”中乾隆(张铁林饰)准备修订 《四库全书》,命纪晓岚为总纂官,招来和珅妒忌,暗插颜如玉(马伊琍饰)在其身边,伺机报复。“元宝迷踪”围绕齐家私吞国库银两展开。“都院内外”的正邪之争,及“情债风流”的英雄难过美人关更是看点不断。由“铁三角”张铁林、张国立、王刚主演的系列电视剧《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》,至2009年已发行四部。