天线王明奉冰姬之命往进行军火交易,但被警方监视,欲拘捕,却被王明逃去,冰姬疑王明不忠,将他杀死,但为探员Rocky所擒,冰姬以美色诱Rocky,设计,将他杀害后逃脱.重案组帮办Cindy被上司责备,并将案件转交特别行动组接手. Cindy心生不忿,决私下追查冰姬下落.冰姬伏击Cindy欲与她同归于尽, Cindy情况危急,如何脱身....
天线王明奉冰姬之命往进行军火交易,但被警方监视,欲拘捕,却被王明逃去,冰姬疑王明不忠,将他杀死,但为探员Rocky所擒,冰姬以美色诱Rocky,设计,将他杀害后逃脱.重案组帮办Cindy被上司责备,并将案件转交特别行动组接手. Cindy心生不忿,决私下追查冰姬下落.冰姬伏击Cindy欲与她同归于尽, Cindy情况危急,如何脱身....
回复 :维克托是个大男子主义者,在他眼里,妻子艾达所做的一切都是理所应当的。有一天,艾达被辞退了,心中更加无比愤懑,维克托的老奶奶和朋友们于是决定演一出好戏,让维克托反思自己过去的行为。
回复 :Ralph Burton is a miner who is trapped for several days as a result of a cave-in. When he finally manages to dig himself out, he realizes that all of mankind seems to have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. He travels to New York City only to find it deserted. Making a life for himself there, he is flabbergasted to eventually find Sarah Crandall, who also managed to survive. Together, they form a close friendship until the arrival of Benson Thacker who has managed to pilot his small boat into the city's harbor. At this point the tensions rise between the three, particularly between Thacker, who is white and Burton, who is black.
回复 :一个特别喜欢摇滚的个性女孩夏倩,大胆直率的性格冷艳的外貌让她有不少追随者的同时也给她带来不少的麻烦。她组织的乐队经常在酒吧驻唱,这让独立抚养她长大的母亲非常困扰,母女俩的关系总是处于一触即发的崩溃边缘。原来,夏倩叛逆孤傲的性格背后藏着一个母亲三缄其口的身世秘密。