根据著名作家史蒂芬·金同名小说改编。恐怖小说家麦克(约翰·库萨克 饰)喜欢带着科学设备到闹鬼的地方探险,吉姆以收集写作素材。这次他选择了海豚酒店,吉姆不顾酒店经理(塞缪尔·杰克逊 饰)的强烈劝阻,住进了曾有多名住客自杀的1408号房间。麦克如愿以偿的经历了很多恐怖事件,彻底改变了他之前对灵异现象的看法。当他终于承受不住一波一波的恐怖攻击,准备离开1408号房间时,最恐怖的事情发生了:他用尽办法也无法离开。
根据著名作家史蒂芬·金同名小说改编。恐怖小说家麦克(约翰·库萨克 饰)喜欢带着科学设备到闹鬼的地方探险,吉姆以收集写作素材。这次他选择了海豚酒店,吉姆不顾酒店经理(塞缪尔·杰克逊 饰)的强烈劝阻,住进了曾有多名住客自杀的1408号房间。麦克如愿以偿的经历了很多恐怖事件,彻底改变了他之前对灵异现象的看法。当他终于承受不住一波一波的恐怖攻击,准备离开1408号房间时,最恐怖的事情发生了:他用尽办法也无法离开。
回复 :One year on from the notorious "Jack The Ripper" murders, the killings have stopped, but the identity of the killer remains a mystery. Down-at-heel newspaper reporter Sebastian Stubb has moved on to reporting on other scandals, but when a new "Ripper" letter appears on his desk and the killings start again, he unwittingly finds himself at the center of a new mystery. Has the "Ripper" returned, or is it a copycat killer? Or something else entirely?
回复 :Phoebe and fellow American Julian Peters meet in Rome, find a lost dog, and agree to return it to Monte Carlo to split the five thousand dollar reward. Discovering the dog's owner dead, they panic and become fugitives. Other victims of misfortune also become suspects, as the plot twists and luck and judgment desert everyone.
回复 :改编自同名畅销小说,讲述女子Violet追求人前的完美形象,比如头发一定要拉直润色、打理妥帖。而她英俊潇洒、看似理想的男友却迟迟不求婚,终于有天坦白说觉得她活得太端着了。两人分手后,沮丧的Violet剃掉了视若珍宝的长发,从此保留黑人天然的小卷毛蓬松头发(nappy hair),并不再过于在意外界眼光,开始自在、自我的生活。