回复 :The story of Crypto Boy kicks off in Amsterdam East, where young deliveryman Amir dreams of a better future but gets no further than delivering orders for Burrito, his father Omar's outdated Mexican restaurant. Meanwhile, their neighbourhood is in the midst of complete gentrification. Convenience stores are being replaced by trendy coffee bars, sushi shops and fitness studios – and much to Amir's frustration, his stubborn father is ignoring all his ideas for modernising Burrito. On the other hand, Omar sees his son as an irresponsible idler who isn't capable of taking over the restaurant.When a large real-estate company buys up the block and doubles the rent, father and son are at odds and in danger of losing the restaurant, and their home, for good. But when Amir ends up at a meetup with a charismatic young crypto entrepreneur, he sees a way to solve all their problems. Determined to show his father what he is worth, Amir loses himself in the rapidly growing crypto start-up while Omar watches with suspicion as his son drifts further away.
回复 :故事发生在70年代的笼罩在铁幕下的爱沙尼亚。三个中二青年做着倒卖西方物资的生意,日子过得也算滋润。在一个偶然的变故下,他们的生意即将被政府查处。本就对西方世界充满幻想和好奇的三人,干脆决定穿过铁幕偷渡到瑞典。万万没想到,三人还没来得及亲吻资本主义的土地,就遭到了现实的连续暴击……
回复 :继《追击者》和《黄海》之后,金允石和河正宇在以韩国六月民主抗争为背景的电影《1987》中再度联手。该片将由《华颐:吞噬怪物的孩子》导演张俊焕执导、《购物车》编剧金景灿执笔,金允石,河正宇,金泰梨,姜栋元,柳海真,吕珍九,薛耿求,吴达洙等主演,金义城,高昌锡,赵宇镇,刘承睦,文素丽,以1987年全斗焕独裁统治下发生的六月民主抗争运动为背景,讲述了名叫朴钟哲的民众运动领袖被当局警察逮捕并拷问致死后,与意图隐瞒事件的公安当局对立,揭露事件真相的人们身上发生的故事。朴钟哲被害事件当年被媒体曝光后,直接引发了反对全斗焕独裁政府的六月民主抗争运动,最终全斗焕被迫接受了629宣言,不久政权倒台。