成年Using unexpected canvasses, JR's intention is to give a global voice to everyday people through a genre-blending combination of public art, photography and large format spectacle.
成年Using unexpected canvasses, JR's intention is to give a global voice to everyday people through a genre-blending combination of public art, photography and large format spectacle.
回复 :Patrick Davenant invites a group of friends to visit a theater inside his villa, a place which later reveals itself as sinister. Within a short time, the guests realize that they are trapped in the villa. A merciless killer then begins to murder them one by one.
回复 :2012年,西班牙裔大男孩杰西·艾瑞斯塔(安德鲁•雅各布 Andrew Jacobs 饰)和好友们高中毕业。炎炎夏日,男孩和家人们饮酒作乐,欢天喜地,每天则与赫德(Jorge Diaz 饰)则玩着各种各样的蠢蛋游戏。杰西楼下住着名叫安娜的胖女人,某天他们用摄像机偷窥安娜的房间,竟然目击到了神秘惊悚的一幕。传说中安娜是名女巫,这由此勾起了两个大男孩的探险欲望。某天晚上,同学奥斯卡惊慌失措从安娜的房间逃跑,不久后安娜的尸体则被警方发现。在此之后,杰西、赫德拿着摄像机进入安娜家中探险,兴奋之余,他们不知道自己正置身难以逃脱的恐怖漩涡。偶然机缘,杰西发现自己拥有了超人的力量,而影响深远的恐怖故事就此上演……
回复 :一名警察在接到人质报警后行动中杀死了一名非裔嫌犯,后来才知道他是无辜的。深刻审视自己根深蒂固的种族歧视,并意识到这是一场阴谋后,他决定继续将案件追查到底。