法拉This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage, the passengers and their descendants.
法拉This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage, the passengers and their descendants.
回复 :From the world of Puppet Master comes the newest entry in horror.
回复 :天生具有变身能力的百变马丁和他的朋友郭莫、罗娜被邀请来到深山之中美丽神秘的松隐镇,谁知这里却正在经历着一场危机——被囚禁两百多年的怪兽逃了出来,正疯狂侵袭小镇......马丁每天变成的新角色惹来一大堆麻烦和奇遇,就在马丁三人组误打误撞之中,一个惊天大秘密逐渐浮出水面......故事惊险、悬疑、奇幻、温暖,在历险过程中,曾为自己变身而苦恼的马丁领悟到:享受不完美,开心做自己。
回复 :佩姬是位美丽的艺术家,为了专心创作,她独自在外租了间公寓,在公寓的衣柜里,她发现一块占卜板,藉由此占卜板,前任房客苏珊竟阴阳连线上了。苏珊表示她是在这个房子内被杀死的,由于对此灵异事件异常好奇,佩姬每晚都玩起了占卜板,而她不知此举正释放出她无法控制的恶灵,而随著公寓内的房东夫妇惨死,佩姬明了只有她自己能阻止这场恶梦蔓延下去,但代价可能是她自己的灵魂。