盗狗Five teenagers compete to win a mansion owned by entrepreneur and scientist Atticus Virtue. To win the teens must face-off against a super computer named HAVEN who controls the mansion.
盗狗Five teenagers compete to win a mansion owned by entrepreneur and scientist Atticus Virtue. To win the teens must face-off against a super computer named HAVEN who controls the mansion.
回复 :影片讲述了海江大学天文学系副教授波受到金三角某监狱的邀请,来到监狱看风水,却秦波却被当做了犯人关押。想要自救的却发现自己是被人陷害入狱,而这个监狱却恐怖至极,频现闹鬼传闻。狱医美琴的出现使他再得机会,与团队里应外合计划越狱,不料危机却越陷越深,美琴的真实身份更是匪夷所思。这段惊险的历程让秦波重拾自我,褪去了原本孤傲自大的心理,在人性交往中悟出了什么才是真正的自我价值 。
回复 :改编自Michael Crichton的同名畅销小说。此片是斯科特兄弟重导2008年的电视剧而成的迷你剧。犹他州的皮德蒙特小镇,一对男女情侣正在山上约会,突然一颗人造卫星掉落。好奇的两人将卫星带回小镇,却不知道也将可怕的遭难带回了小镇。突然间小镇上爆发了可怕的病毒, 人们纷纷不明原因地死去。为防止病毒扩散到其他城市,军队封锁了小镇,并派出了代号为“仙女座”的科学队前去查明病源。队员包括:传染病学家Jeremy(本杰明·布拉特BenjaminBratt 饰)、外空生物学家Angela(克里斯塔·米勒 Christa Miller 饰)、微生物学家Tsi(金大贤 饰)、病理学家Charlene(维奥拉·戴维斯 ViolaDavis 饰)。同时,一个名叫Jack(艾瑞克·麦克马奇EricMcCormack 饰)的记者似乎也在探寻着不可告人的秘密……
回复 :The story finds Jason Mewes' Jay and Smith's Silent Bob learning that a studio wants to reboot the Bluntman And Chronic movie that was based on the comic inspired by the two stoners. And they're not happy. Again. So begins a cross-country quest to shut it down.