回复 :太平洋某座生物研究所内,最新研究的鱼类加速繁殖计划得到了突破,并在繁殖力极低的鲨鱼身上试验成功。实验室的科学家们大喜过望,称这项研究将彻底解决全球食物问题。只有总负责人博士袁聪认为此举会破坏现有的生态环境,力排众议下令销毁实验鲨鱼。然而实验组的副手莫雷将这些鲨鱼看成毕生心血,偷走几条幼鲨准备转移,谁知在路上被咬伤出了事故,幼鲨逃进下水道进入了大海。没过多久,若干处海边出现鲨鱼群体袭击事件,原来这些鲨鱼的背后有一只超级巨大的母鲨......
回复 :四名艺高人胆大兼自称拥有超自然力量的人,为了十万英镑冒险闯进盛传冤魂不息的地狱之屋,誓要证实鬼神之说。四人态度各异,有人相信鬼魂的存在,有人更相信能与它们沟通,有人则是无神论者。姑无论如何,创进猛鬼屋就等于半只脚踏进地狱之门,血腥死亡,触目惊心,恐怖吓人,惨叫声不绝,鬼影幢幢……你有胆进入叫你心脏停顿的地狱之屋吗?
回复 :Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of universe has been known and at this point of time, universe is so huge that our hearts are filled with awe and reverence more deeply than our ignorant ancestors felt. This is a wonderful, magical and fascinating phenomena spread over the unimaginable vastness and this documentary takes us to its journey thanks to modern CGI technology wrapped into 3D art that works better with our imagination.