回复 :鹰宫真(松岛菜菜子 饰)与永濑洋海(福山雅治 饰)是大学时代的恋人。当大小姐身份的鹰宫真获得去哈佛留学的机会时,她约了男友见面。永濑以为女友约他见面是为了谈分手的事,害怕被女友抛弃的他反复犹豫着是否应该赴约,偏偏就在这个时候,一场大雪突然到来。他想,她是不会等他的。于是,他失了约。而一心希望男友挽留自己的鹰宫真却在雪地里等候着,可心爱的人最终还是没有出现。九年三个月之后,被JBC电视台重金礼聘的鹰宫真出任EVENING NEWS的首席制作人,誓言挽救收视。同一天,永濑洋海从综艺部调职至新闻部。昔日的情侣突然出现,并变成上下级关系,她和他将有怎样的发展呢?
回复 :IKEA is undoubtedly one of the world's most successful, enigmatic, and recognisable global brands. Last year nearly 800 million people in 49 countries visited its stores, which had a turnover of more than £30 billion.In a major new three-part series, our cameras explore the world of IKEA, from the design studios to factories and stores, for the very first time.Few companies can legitimately claim to shape the way we live today. Fewer still inspire a cult-like devotion in customers and employees alike. But IKEA is not like other companies.The famously secretive Swedish furniture retailer is guided by the principle of creating 'the better everyday life for the many people'. But what is the secret to its success? How does the machine of IKEA affect the people who work for it, and how does its ruthlessly efficient business model affect the world?
回复 :东京电视台(TV TOKYO)于2019年4月12日起每周五凌晨1时播出《电影少女 -VIDEO GIRL MAI 2019-》。故事的男主人公是独自居住在学校附近的高二男生叶野健人(萩原利久 饰)。某一天正当他试图播放一卷在学校录像室里发现的录像带时,电影少女·神尾舞(山下美月 饰)透过屏幕飞了出来。于是,两个人便开始了奇妙的同居生活。为了帮助健人实现理想,电影少女总是不择手段、无比忠诚地贯彻他的命令。健人也在这段关系中越陷越深,而电影少女的真正目的又究竟是什么?本剧改编自桂正和的同名漫画,承接2018年播出的《电影少女2018》,是该系列的第二部作品。