直男警察吴明翰(许光汉 饰)误捡地上红包,顾少没想到红包里的对象是个男的(林柏宏 饰)!顾少被迫男男冥婚的明翰,一路衰到底,不但甩不掉冥婚对象,就连警花林子晴(王净 饰)埋线已久的缉毒案,都被他搞砸。为了挽救危机,恐同又怕鬼的明翰,别无选择,即使人鬼殊途也要和鬼老公毛毛携手跨界追凶!一场荒谬绝伦、笑中带泪的旅程就此展开!
直男警察吴明翰(许光汉 饰)误捡地上红包,顾少没想到红包里的对象是个男的(林柏宏 饰)!顾少被迫男男冥婚的明翰,一路衰到底,不但甩不掉冥婚对象,就连警花林子晴(王净 饰)埋线已久的缉毒案,都被他搞砸。为了挽救危机,恐同又怕鬼的明翰,别无选择,即使人鬼殊途也要和鬼老公毛毛携手跨界追凶!一场荒谬绝伦、笑中带泪的旅程就此展开!
回复 :大眼仔生于小康之家,自小得到父亲疼爱。生活无忧的她,不专心向学,却与好朋友肥妹及雅婷到处捣蛋,令校方非常不满。为要她们改过,教师决定送她们进劳改训练营,但大眼仔等人不止不悔改,还变本加厉,屡次羞辱老师包Sir,使包Sir心灰意冷。期间大眼仔暗恋Peter,并自我陶醉于恋爱梦中,但原来Peter与雅婷已是一对,大眼仔深感失望。回到学校后,众人捣蛋如故,更误将包Sir深爱之鹦鹉弄死,包Sir忍无可忍,痛骂她们一番后,因刺激过度而精神失常,众人方后悔自己不是。大眼仔心情低落之际,碰见Peter败在情敌手上,她立即上前安慰。因而得到对方所爱。大眼仔正要开心不已,却见雅婷已返回Peter身边,少女情怀深受打击,明白唯有父亲最关心自己。
回复 :外星入侵者绑架了地球的超级英雄,他们的孩子则被匆匆送进政府避难所,但机智过人的青少女蜜西(Yaya Gosselin 饰)使尽各种招数,一心要拯救她的超级英雄爸爸马可斯(Pedro Pascal 饰),为此她跟其他超级小英雄携手合作,逃离当局神秘的保母格拉娜达女士(Priyanka Chopra Jonas 饰)。这群孩子必须各自使出包括超强弹力、控制时间和预言未来在内的力量并肩作战,组成无人能敌的团队,才能成功救出爸爸妈妈。动作画面精彩且真挚动人的《全民小英雄》由《非常小特务》、《鲨胆小英雄》导演 Robert Rodriguez 执导,并请到 Boyd Holbrook、Christian Slater、Chris McDonald 及 Adriana Barraza 同台演出。
回复 :This film is an extremely entertaining psychological thriller with Carrol Baker excellent as a rich American widow getting away from it all at a secluded Italian villa. Enter smart aleck down on his luck playboy, Lou Castel, who has some golddigging motives behind his slick hipster seduction techniques and has no qualms about how he gets what he wants. He encourages Baker's character's incipient alcoholism and dubious self-esteem, brings in his supposed 'sister' to help drag Baker even further into a maze of sick mind games, drug addiction and group sex, all culminating in a descent into near-madness and self-destructive depravity.I won't give away anymore, suffice to say that the film delivers on its swinging sixties, Euro sleaze ambience and psychological suspense thriller credentials in spades. Director Umberto Lenzi's work has been, at best, uneven and he's churned out his share of crap. However, he made some quite good giallos and crime pictures in the sixties and seventies and this is one of them (other good films by Lenzi -- SPASMO, SEVEN BLOODSTAINED ORCHIDS, ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, to name only a few).Unfortunately this film is ofen confused with another okay but not-quite-as-good Lenzi film that was also released briefly here in America under the same PARANOIA title (but is more commonly known, especially on video, as A QUIET PLACE TO KILL).