Netflix 影集《攻壳机动队:复仇SAC_2045》第 1 季脱胎换骨,复仇推出长篇动画电影版。不仅加入全新场景,片中所有画面皆重新调色。本片由藤井道人执导,他的真人电影导演作品包括入围六项日本电影金像奖的《新闻记者》,以及《家族极道物语》。
Netflix 影集《攻壳机动队:复仇SAC_2045》第 1 季脱胎换骨,复仇推出长篇动画电影版。不仅加入全新场景,片中所有画面皆重新调色。本片由藤井道人执导,他的真人电影导演作品包括入围六项日本电影金像奖的《新闻记者》,以及《家族极道物语》。
回复 :番外3——那些为了中午便当的事
回复 :They’re back! The Warner brothers, Yakko and Wakko, and the Warner sister Dot, have a great time wreaking havoc and mayhem in the lives of everyone they meet. After returning to their beloved home, the Warner Bros. water tower, the siblings waste no time in causing chaos and comic confusion as they run loose through the studio, turning the world into their personal playground. Joining Yakko, Wakko and Dot, fan-favorite characters Pinky and the Brain also return to continue their quest for world domination.
回复 :Adult Swim另外一个招牌菜。Based on the comic strip, Huey and Riley move away from the city and out to the suburbs with their irascible grandfather. Biting socio-political commentary ensues.