回复 :Dutch immigrant, Harry deLeyer, journeyed to the United States after World War II and developed a transformative relationship with a broken down Amish plow horse he rescued off a slaughter truck bound for the glue factory. Harry paid eighty dollars for the horse and named him Snowman. In less than two years, Harry & Snowman went on to win the triple crown of show jumping, beating the nations blue bloods and they became famous and traveled around the world together. Their chance meeting at a Pennsylvania horse auction saved them both and crafted a friendship that lasted a lifetime. Eighty-six year old Harry tells their Cinderella love story firsthand, as he continues to train on today's show jumping circuit.
回复 :太平洋某座生物研究所内,最新研究的鱼类加速繁殖计划得到了突破,并在繁殖力极低的鲨鱼身上试验成功。实验室的科学家们大喜过望,称这项研究将彻底解决全球食物问题。只有总负责人博士袁聪认为此举会破坏现有的生态环境,力排众议下令销毁实验鲨鱼。然而实验组的副手莫雷将这些鲨鱼看成毕生心血,偷走几条幼鲨准备转移,谁知在路上被咬伤出了事故,幼鲨逃进下水道进入了大海。没过多久,若干处海边出现鲨鱼群体袭击事件,原来这些鲨鱼的背后有一只超级巨大的母鲨......
回复 :导演Luke Holland采访了近300位纳粹大屠杀的参与者和受害者。