日韩A businessman mysteriously wakes up in an open-air prison cell with only an old grist mill. Forced to work as a beast of burden, he must find a way to escape before the birth of his child.
日韩A businessman mysteriously wakes up in an open-air prison cell with only an old grist mill. Forced to work as a beast of burden, he must find a way to escape before the birth of his child.
回复 :One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adult briskly, watching her family and soviet childhood smashing into pieces. So does Ukraine in the early 90th, launching painful process of transformation into an independent country.
回复 :我的妻子Nanhee试图让她的丈夫Young-young复活,她的丈夫在结婚后有过性行为。然而,Moo-young的性欲一旦冷却,就没有任何返回的迹象,并开始出现勃起功能障碍的症状。但是Nanhee尽最大努力为她的丈夫Moo-young尽力而为。 尽管有这样的努力,Mooyoung还没有勃起。然后有一天,尤娜和这对夫妇搬到隔壁。结婚五年的Genie和Yuna比其他新婚夫妇更善于饮酒。羡慕Yuna和生殖器禁忌的Nan-hee访问Yuna并听取她禁忌的秘密。他们夫妻的秘诀就是每个月给予对方一次性自由,而不是“罗马假日”。南熙,听着这个秘密,想着她丈夫的年轻人,无法做任何事情并意识到。然而,Mooyoung不喜欢罗马假期。Nan-hee被迫与Yuna秘密地与Moo-young举行罗马假日。Mooyoung一无所知,与Yuna有关系。像谎言一样,勃起功能障碍得到治疗。 在那之后,Moo-young和Nan-hee怀孕并且变得更好。为了庆祝她的怀孕,生殖器为Moo-young提供了一个罗马假期,Moo-young接受了这个假期。
回复 :《鬼缠身》:东(陈展鹏饰)每次加班都遇到女上司SAM(林美贞饰),而SAM每次夜晚从厕所出来,都变得和白昼判若两人,更情挑东,东将自己遭遇告诉好友MICK(林志豪饰),两人决定查个究竟……