回复 :故事背景为架空世界“碧岛”,这座位于日本列岛西南方的岛屿,被财团改造成宏大华丽的白金牢笼。本作主人公是濑良垣苍叶(私市淳 配音),在旧住民区一家“平凡”商店里打工,犬型智能伴侣“莲”常伴其左右,好友红雀(高桥广树 配音)亦对其照顾有加。然而从以前开始,苍叶就一直忍受着原因不明的头痛。同时,岛内又开始流行起一种虚拟对战游戏——“莱姆”。一向对此毫无兴趣的苍叶,某天在送货路上,突然被一名神秘人物拉入了莱姆的异空间内,强制进行对战。头痛的日渐加剧,背负着的沉重过去;神秘人物连番登场,都市传说“神隐”再现,苍叶看似平静的生活,正悄然发生了变化。 本动画改编自Nitro + CHiRAL于2012年发售的一款BL向AVG游戏。
回复 :This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, reinterpreted using Stone Age 'technology.' Most notably were their cars, complete with absence of floorboards to allow them to be 'foot-powered.'
回复 :Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out focuses on Hana Uzaki, who meets her high school friend and senpai, Shinichi Sakurai. Having observed his actions for some time, Uzaki comes to the conclusion that her beloved senpai has started to act like a grumpy old man and that he hardly has any friends moxia.cc because of that. Hana, without giving it a thought, immediately decides to fix this unjust cruelty and to hang out with a lonely senpai of hers.