亚洲In 1963, eighteen-year-old Patricia Weir is kidnapped and brutally raped. Committed to putting her attacker, Ernesto Miranda, in prison, Patty's life is destroyed by America's legal system as she triggers a law that transforms the Nation.
亚洲In 1963, eighteen-year-old Patricia Weir is kidnapped and brutally raped. Committed to putting her attacker, Ernesto Miranda, in prison, Patty's life is destroyed by America's legal system as she triggers a law that transforms the Nation.
回复 :《马尔文科》根据2010年同名纪录片改编,讲述了Mark Hogancamp的真实故事。这个男人在被5名青少年暴打之后,陷入长达九天的昏迷,醒来后失去了记忆,他的生活、朋友和家人什么都不记得了。作为一种特殊的治疗手段,Mark Hogancamp开始在自家后院,用1:6的模型玩偶创作出了一个二战时期的比利时小镇,他将之称为“马文科尔”(Marwencol),他用玩偶代表自己、朋友和那些殴打他的人。“马文科尔”在一定程度上修补了Mark Hogancamp的头脑,同时也让他创造出了一个奇幻的世界。而这个世界通过Jeff Malmberg在2010年公映的纪录片,也得以让更多的人看到。
回复 :About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols engraved into them. After a number of terrifying supernatural experiences she comes to the conclusion that the house took Ellie. She discovers that a physicist and occultist called John Fetherston, who was obsessed with finding the 11th dimension, built the house and engraved sinister equations on the 10 steps leading into the cellar. Finally, Keira must battle with the universe’s most ancient evil, or lose her family’s souls forever.
回复 :《乌龙茬》是一部集轻科幻、幽默、荒诞、猎奇于一身的喜剧电影。片中有贵妇人、潜规则、科技高手、龙套演员等各种社会上鲜有的职业和身份,集合了金钱交易、戏中戏、求婚等各种社会元素,环环相扣,呈现给观众的是一道味道独特的“佛跳墙”!