回复 :查理(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)和菲尔(杰夫·格尔林 Jeff Garlin 饰)供职于一家高级广告公司,两人每天勤勤恳恳的工作,却并没有为自己挣得光明的前景,反而因此而忽视了家庭和孩子。一场意外让查理和菲尔双双丢掉了工作,突如其来的大片闲暇时光让两人意识到了他们在带孩子方面的神奇天赋,两人灵光一现,决定开一家全职奶爸托儿所。查理和菲尔的托儿所开张了,随着时间的推移,他们的“生意”越来越红火起来,也有了一批固定的“客户”,两人甚至招募了一位名叫马文(史蒂夫·茨恩 Steve Zahn 饰)的雇员,当起了名副其实的“老板”。就在两人沾沾自喜之际,问题和麻烦接踵而至。
回复 :讲述了男主角安东万与前女友卡米耶分手五年后,贸然拜访,发现卡米耶有一个五岁的女儿埃尔莎。卡米耶正要出差,保姆迟迟不到,于是她拜托安东万帮忙照顾埃尔莎,直到保姆过来。然而保姆没有现身,安东万和埃尔莎做游戏,买东西,但是出门慌乱之际,安东万忘带了卡米耶家的钥匙,所以只能把埃尔莎带回了自己家。二人相处得非常愉快,还分享了名叫《大象与小蝶》的故事,安东万带着埃尔莎去海滩,玩得非常开心。他一直不敢把自己是埃尔莎父亲的事实告诉给埃尔莎,但是小埃尔莎却感觉得到安东万就是自己的爸爸。同时,...
回复 :A musical retelling of Charles Dickens' classic novel about an old bitter miser taken on a journey of self-redemption, courtesy of several mysterious Christmas apparitions.In 1860, cranky old miser Ebenezer Scrooge hates Christmas; loathes people and defends the decrease of the surplus of poor population; runs his bank exploiting his employee Bob Cratchit and clients, giving a bitter treatment to his own nephew and acquaintances. However, on Christmas Eve, he is visited by the doomed ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley that tells him that three spirits would visit him that night. The first one, the spirit of Christmas Past, recalls his miserable youth when he lost his only love due to his greed; the spirit of Christmas Present shows him the poor situation of Bob's family and how joyful life may be; and the spirit of Christmas Future shows his fate. Scrooge finds that life is good and time is too short and suddenly you are not there anymore, changing his behavior toward Christmas, Bob, his nephew and people in general.