池总From filmmakers of Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, this film goes beyond the headlines of the Ghislaine Maxwell case to tell the story of Epstein's mystery accomplice, illuminating how her class and privilege concealed her predatory nature.
池总From filmmakers of Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, this film goes beyond the headlines of the Ghislaine Maxwell case to tell the story of Epstein's mystery accomplice, illuminating how her class and privilege concealed her predatory nature.
回复 :An ex-soldier turned deliveryman is dragged into a local kingpin's bumbling gang to pull off a daring heist in an infamous South African township.
回复 :该片从德军的角度回顾了在1943年东部战场的一段血腥经历,围绕着一个厌战老兵和一个以谋取铁十字勋章作为人生目标的贵族军官展开。两人的几番较量,代表了当时德军中的两种心态,同时也揭示了战争的终极走向……1943年,德国战场,德军上尉史特兰斯基刚被提为中队长,他一心想获得德军最高荣誉“铁十字勋章”。上尉想提拔能征善战的史泰纳,可是史泰纳对晋升和荣誉不屑一顾。上尉十分恼火,便将其派往最前线,让史泰 纳的部下在混战中互相残杀。史泰纳怒不可遏,冒着敌人的炮火,紧追上尉复仇……从人性角度再现血腥战场,在疯狂极端的特殊时刻,人性会展现最美好或最卑劣的一面。德国人也一样,战争带来巨大痛苦,也引发深刻思考。战争是人挑起的,它的残酷和毁灭性,我们没有必要忘记!点评:该片虽然是美国电影大师、“暴力牛仔"山姆-派金法的惟一一部战争片,但他依然能将《碧血黄沙》式的西部情结展现得淋漓尽致。片中的战争场面真实、暴力,且充满了美感。值得一提的是,该片也是去世不久的“银幕硬汉"詹姆斯-科本的代表作之一。那种在极端困难的环境下积极求生的生存意识,足以让观者为其动容。
回复 :Maitre d’ and Extraordinary Places to Eat host Fred Sirieix and GP Zoe Williams open a restaurant with a difference, welcoming 20 unsuspecting diners for a slap-up meal. It all sounds normal enough, but this restaurant has something unexpected back of house - a functioning gym, where a group of fitness fanatics are poised on exercise bikes, treadmills and rowing machines, ready...