天天In the near future, glacial melting has covered 98% of earth's landmass. Sharks have flourished and now dominate the planet, operating as one massive school led by a mutated alpha shark.
天天In the near future, glacial melting has covered 98% of earth's landmass. Sharks have flourished and now dominate the planet, operating as one massive school led by a mutated alpha shark.
回复 :Pierre is a shy man whose sole focus in life is studying astrology in solitude, which is often difficult since he still lives at and studies in his parent's house. His parent's would rather he date and get married. He takes on this task with verve. Not knowing how to approach women in a romantic way, he watches how other men operate and tries to emulate them, most often without success. He ends up attracting the one woman he doesn't really want, a fun loving woman named Laurence who lives next door, but he becomes obsessed with Stella, a singer he sees on television. He believes her love song is being sung directly to him. As Pierre tries to get away from Laurence while pursuing Stella, he may miss the perfect match who may be right under his nose. Written by Huggo
回复 :跆拳道高手王小妹,三十了依然没有男朋友,一天去一个咖啡馆碰到小偷,抓小偷追逐中,不小心把咖啡撒在李氏集团公子李凯的(假李凯)身上,相识司机邱波(真李凯)。李氏集团的赵志一直对董事长的位置虎视眈眈,所以赵志准备毒害李凯,自己坐上董事长的位置。一晚李凯和思雨酒吧喝酒,被赵民下药,躺在床上昏迷,董事会就要开始,董事会唇枪舌剑,尔虞我诈,李凯昏迷不能签署协议,眼看赵志就要当董事长了,这时邱波来了签署了协议,其实为了蒙混赵志的计谋,李凯和邱波换了身份。邱波才是真正的李凯,小妹难过跑走,思雨因喜欢的人不是真正的富二代,也伤心的跑走了.....
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