回复 :《犯罪心理》围绕着FBI精英行为分析组的故事展开,他们分析和追击全国最变态狡猾的罪犯,在他们再次作恶之前准确预测出他们的下一步动向,将他们绳之于法。这个分析组的成员包括了:重操旧业的元老级探员David Rossi,为工作鞠躬尽瘁,家庭破碎的高级探员Aaron Hotchner,展现出非凡领袖才能的Derek Morgan,过目不忘、分析计算能力俱佳的天才博士Spencer Reid,队里不可缺少的电脑天才Penelope Garcia,出生于外交官家庭的Emily Prentiss以及媒体联络官JJ。新一季中金发美女JJ将很快与观众告别,Emily也将戏份大减。
回复 :A TV producer has gotten the idea of developing a movie based off of the events of Monk's capture of Steve Wagner in "Mr. Monk and the Astronaut." www.2kyb.com They have hired renowned actor David Ruskin to play Monk. However, to get into the role of Monk, Ruskin shadows his character for a couple of days as Monk investigates the linked homicides of a young woman killed in her apartment and a pawnshop owner shot dead during a robbery. However, things get bad when Ruskin gets a little too into the role of Monk.
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